Friday, March 7, 2008

Sir Ken Robinson at TED

Sir Ken Robinson spoke at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference in February of 2006. The TED Conference is dedicated to new ideas and thinking that can change the world. You can view his talks and hundred of others at I enjoy watching Sir Ken's Ted talk when I need to be reminded of the importance of enduring the hard process of change. I find listening to him reminds me of the goal, the purpose, the reason it all matters: our kids' futures.

Below is my synopsis of his talk. Read, re-read, and re-read it again. To me, it's logical; it's emotional; it's a call to action. I ask myself what is my part, what can I do?

  • There is enormous capacity and potential in human creativity, especially for those who make it to adulthood with creativity.
  • Kids have innate and enormous capacity for creativity.
  • We have no infallible, certain idea of what the future will bring.
  • Education is meant to take us into this unknown future.
  • All kids have unique talent and we squander it.
  • Creativity is an important literacy -- we don't think of it that way. Why not?
  • Kids are not frightened of being wrong at the beginning of school.
  • If we are not prepared to be wrong, then we will never have anything original to contribute.
  • By adulthood, most are afraid of being wrong.
  • This is how we raise kids and run our companies.
  • We are educating people out of their creative capacity.
  • There is hierarchy of education: Math and language. Humanities. Art………first art/music then drama/dance.
  • Education focuses on left-brain skills.
  • These skills were most valuable in the Industrial Age.
  • We are no longer in the Industrial Age.
  • The education system places importance on academic ability.
  • It is designed to get into college and then get a job in the industrial company.
  • There is evidence of a tremendous shift in education now, as the traditional degrees are now worthless.
  • MFA is the new MBA because of how it trains one to think.
  • We need to re-think how we understand intelligence.
  • Intelligence is diverse.
  • Intelligence is dynamic creativity (generate original ideas that at worth something).
  • Intelligence is distinct for each individual.
  • We need to question the fundamental principles of education.
  • Our job is to help kids make something of their future.

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